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Victory is at your fingertips! Your ability to lead your nation is your supreme weapon, the strategy game Hearts of Iron IV lets you take command of any nation in World War II; the most engaging conflict in world history. A ridiculous live-action B-movie adventure you will never forget! You wake up to find your town in chaos.
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Women are still excluded from the club. 這間俱樂部仍然不讓女性進入。. Microbes must, as far as possible, be excluded from the room during an operation. 在手術過程中,要盡可能防止細菌進入手術室。.
2021年2月17日 exclude翻译:阻止…进入;把…排斥在外, (有意地)不包括, 排除…;不考虑…; 认为…不可能。了解更多。
Victory is at your fingertips! Your ability to lead your nation is your supreme weapon, the strategy game Hearts of Iron IV lets you take command of any nation in World War II; the most engaging conflict in world history.
0155-00001-01, Rev. D ( 2011 年 12 月) 繁體中文 (Chinese (Traditional)) AVID 軟體授權合約 這是 Avid Technology, Inc. (聯同其子公司)和您之間訂立的合約。
Tom has been excluded from school (= he is not allowed to go to school) for bad behaviour. to make someone leave a school, country, organization, or place: The new government has expelled all foreign diplomats. expel sb from sth Officials want to expel settlers from protected forest. The disciplinary tribunal has the power to suspend or even expel offenders from the profession. 1.
not including; but not: 。了解更多。 except翻译:(表示不包括)除…之外。了解更多。 to make someone leave a school, country, organization, or place: The new government has expelled all foreign diplomats. expel sb from sth Officials want to expel settlers from protected forest. The disciplinary tribunal has the power to suspend or even expel offenders from the profession. 1. 动词 [usually passive] If someone is expelled from a school or organization, they are officially told to leave because they have behaved badly .
Women are still excluded from the club. 這間俱樂部仍然不讓女性進入。. Microbes must, as far as possible, be excluded from the room during an operation. 在手術過程中,要盡可能防止細菌進入手術室。. expel翻译:使离开, 驱逐;除名;开除, 空气/液体, 排出;喷出。了解更多。 5.6 乐夫思达(北京)体育用品有限公司保留本申明的解释权、修订权。 2014年12月31日 乐夫思达(北京)体育用品有限公司 中国总代理: 乐夫思达(北京)体育用品有限公司 地址: 北京市朝阳区望京B11-1地块A区A6综合楼14层1727,100102 电话: 010-64725303, 网址: www.pukychina Když se ekonomové snažili přijít na to, jaké činnosti stroje nezvládnou provést, mysleli si, že jediný způsob, jak zautomatizovat činnost, je s někým si sednout, nechat ho, aby vysvětlil, jak by činnost sám prováděl a pak se snažit zachytit jeho vysvětlení pomocí souboru pokynů, podle kterých by stroj mohl postupovat.
not including; but not: 。了解更多。 to prevent someone or something from entering a place or taking part in an activity: Women are still excluded from the club. Microbes must, as far as possible, be excluded from the room during an operation. Tom has been excluded from school (= he is not allowed to go to school) for bad behaviour. 比 … 1. 动词 [usually passive] If someone is expelled from a school or organization, they are officially told to leave because they have behaved badly . More than five-thousand secondary school students have … “城堡传说:魔王觉醒”是一款好玩的复古单机rpg,拥有丰富完整的原创剧情。采用双主线的特殊叙述手法,讲述了千年宿命轮回之下,起源魔王灵魂转世体梵侬,在于天才魔法少女梅玖利.萝莉的意外相遇之后,一起唤醒了沉睡千年的魔王守护者.雪风;从而开启了一段传奇而又感人的故事。 Victory is at your fingertips! Your ability to lead your nation is your supreme weapon, the strategy game Hearts of Iron IV lets you take command of any nation in World War II; … 0155-00001-01, Rev. D (2011 年 12 月) 简体中文 (Chinese (Simplified)) 如果您在美国取得本软件,则本协议的解释受麻省法律管辖,违约索赔 .
A ridiculous live-action B-movie adventure you will never forget! You wake up to find your town in chaos. Everyone has gone crazy and is just attacking each other! A cryptic message is the secret to survival-- Press X to not die!
A ridiculous live-action B-movie adventure you will never forget! You wake up to find your town in chaos. Everyone has gone crazy and is just attacking each other! A cryptic message is the secret to survival-- Press X to not die!
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except的意思、解释及翻译:1. not including; but not: 2. not including; but not: 3. not including; but not: 。了解更多。
More than five-thousand secondary school students have been expelled for cheating. [be VERB -ed] a boy expelled from school for making death threats to his teacher. 检查“ 錦標賽”到捷克文的翻译。浏览句子中錦標賽的翻译示例,听发音并学习语法。 0155-00001-01, Rev. D ( 2011 年 12 月) 繁體中文 (Chinese (Traditional)) AVID 軟體授權合約 這是 Avid Technology, Inc. (聯同其子公司)和您之間訂立的合約。 1.5. 出租许可。 如果 Avid 将该软件与某硬件设备捆绑,作为整个系统出售,则您可以在规 定期间将该系统临时出租给其他人,条件是: (a) 您确保每一名租用者都能遵守本协议; (b) 您仍要承担本协议项下的所有义务; (c) 您必须应要求通知 Avid 所有出租系统的位 置;和 (d) 对于因您出租 Avid 系统而 Categories.